STARTER Berlin Acting School for Film and Television offers a one-of-a-kind, four week intensive international acting program, STARTER Experience. Held in the month of June, our program is taught entirely in English and welcomes actors and future actors of all backgrounds.

STARTER Experience is specifically designed to empower aspirants daring to cross borders and discover new territory in their lives and work. We recognize actors play a significant role in our rapidly changing society. Keeping this in mind, we emphasize certain key elements in our teaching. One is honing the actor’s innate talent, unique presence, and creative point of view. Another is building and sharpening the actor’s skills through techniques that embrace a European sensibility of in-depth analysis and critical aesthetics. We believe this is an added competence that helps the actor to better understand and contribute to original and meaningful art. Just as importantly, we value sharing, communication, and connectivity, and wholeheartedly promote collaboration as a way of both honoring and reflecting all cultures, identities, and lifestyles.

STARTER’s location next to the famous Mauerpark in the old East provides the ideal conditions for the realization of our program’s aims. STARTER is situated in the heart of Berlin, a city whose tradition of innovative European theater, performance arts, and film production holds strong. In addition, the city’s influence as a center of intellectual debate, technological advancement, and progressive social and political change is undeniable. Thousands of international artists have made Berlin their new base in recent times mainly for these reasons.

Founded in 2005, STARTER’s core philosophy of learning through diversity combines the latest techniques with a classically rigorous approach to acting. Our school provides a friendly, enthusiastic, and challenging environment where students are nurtured to thrive while developing their acting skills. STARTER graduates have begun to make their mark in the film and television industry, getting cast in leading and supportive roles in feature films, soaps, and independent projects in Germany and beyond.

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